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Upcoming Events
(check back for more to come or join my newsletter to be the first to know!)

Past Events

Cacao Ceremony
Harmonizing the Energy Body


November 24th 2-4pm

Newbury, MA


Is your body, mind, or spirit calling for a moment of loving introspection, forgiveness, or gratitude? Take this time before the holiday season to cultivate inner acceptance and harmony with the support of Cacao, yoga, mantra, and music.

Image by Jenni Miska

Sacred Sacral Space
Creating Inner Sanctuary with Yoga & Herbs

Friday, July 12th 6-8pm 

Nourish Yoga Barrington, NH


Do you find that when you don’t have the time to check in within your inner world, your outer world begins to get mucky? Perhaps the emotional container within begins to overflow? Our bodies are mostly water and our sacral chakra is like the vessel that holds this potent charge. And we have the power to distribute the potency of this area throughout the body in order to arrive more balanced in our relationships. 


One translation of Svadhisthana (sacral chakra) is “one’s own sweet space.” Getting in touch with this inner place of purpose, without needing a desired outcome, frees us into our healthy power. Join craniosacral therapist, Nicole Stratis, for a journey to nourish the inner waters with yoga, herbal wisdom, and somatic inquiry. Bring a journal if you’d like!

Rooting in the Womb

April 25th, 5:30-7pm EST
Virtual Zoom Circle
with the Florecer Community

A Journey to Connect with Your Home of Creation


Spring Awakening
Cacao Ceremony


April 6th, 2024 5-7pm
Newbury, MA

Participating in a ceremony is an opportunity to listen to and communicate with deeper layers of self, community, and spirit. As with any relationship, one's relationship with Cacao is shaped by the intention and presence that is brought into it. Come as you are. And may we awaken this spring in community.

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One with Beloved

A 2-Part Plant Medicine Journey










​February 16th & 17th*
Haverhill, MA
*come to one or both


During this season of love, we are reminded of cupid's arrow


~ perhaps where it has not struck for quite some time,

~ where it has bulls-eyed with grace,

~ where it has left a scar,

~ or where it has us aiming.


Wherever you are on your journey of love (with self, in partnership, and with the Divine), Beloved is always present, as the source of love is always present.


A journey to embrace Beloved. May we become soul to meet soulmate.


"The Beloved is all and the lover a veil.” - Rumi


The Ever Present Rose

A Weaving Wombs Medicine Circle
Friday, February 16th 6-8pm


BeLoved Cacao Ceremony
Embodying the Frequency of Soulmate
Saturday, February 17th 2-4pm


Learn more & register here




Embracing the Inner
Light of Winter
 A Yogic Plant Spirit Journey to Resource the Nervous System
Saturday January 27th 4-6pm 
Roots to Wings in Newbury, MA


 Rest & Reciprocity Retreat

with the Weaving Wombs Community 


Saturday, December 9th 2pm-7:30pm

Haverhill, MA

A Retreat to Nourish, with the Gifts of the Earth Womb


In this season of giving & receiving, how is your cup? 
What truly wants to be given, and what truly wants to be received?


Join bodyworker & somatic educator, Nicole Stratis to learn practical tips and embodiment practices to care for your womb center* - physically, energetically, and spiritually, during a nourishing afternoon gathered with like-hearted souls.


In this retreat, we will...

  • Open with a Cacao Circle, learning about the partnership between Cacao & Womb Nourishment

  • Journey with the Earth's Womb to connect with your experience of sacred reciprocity

  • Receive teachings on Womb Nourishment for both physical and energetic health 

  • Integrate with a restorative yogic experience accompanied by herbal oil anointing

  • Nourish the Soul & Body with a delicious dinner

  • Share & Connect with Beloved Beings


This retreat is for anyone that…

~ feels a longing to understand the language of the body and restore nourishment

~ is devoted to replenishing their creative, connective energy with the wisdom of ancestral knowledge

~ is ready to deepen in partnership with their innate medicine and the medicine of this Earth 


*We welcome those who do not have a physical uterus anymore, as this energy center is still present and potent. The use of the word "Womb" is in reference to our creative, connective, and inner oracle wisdom.


All attendees will be gifted 50% off an initial abdominal massage appointment with Nicole. This includes a thorough consultation, hands-on massage, herbal support, self-care guidelines, and a supportive modalitiy such as castor roil pack or pelvic herbal steaming.

To register: venmo $88 to @nstratis, with title "WW December 9"

     *location is a private residence and address will be given upon registration

Womb Wisdom Half-Day Retreat 

Sunday, October 29th 1-5pm

Newburyport, MA


Join Arvigo® Mayan Abdominal Massage Practitioner, Nicole Stratis, to learn practical tips and tools to care for your womb center - physically, energetically, and spiritually, during a nourishing afternoon gathered with like-hearted souls.


This retreat is for anyone that…

~ feels a longing to understand the language of your body and uterus 

~ is devoted to empowering their creative energy with the wisdom of ancestral knowledge

~ is ready to deepen in partnership with their innate medicine and the medicine of this Earth 


*We welcome those who do not have a physical uterus anymore, as this energy center is still present and potent.


Inspired by indigenous medicine teacher Ximena Ríos from Patagonia, Argentina, and her Masterwomb video training, we will watch together her Rites of Passage videos. The education is focused on womb health and how her womb belts promote physical and spiritual protection for this sacred area of our bodies. (More about these gorgeous, handmade creations can be found here: Chumpi Sacred Womb Belts.) Nicole will also guide us in some gentle embodiment practices that will help deepen our connection and care of our wombs.


We will be taking a yin approach by being gentle, receptive, and reflective so please join us and take this time to be nourished and leave feeling connected!


What will be included:

  • 2 Rites of Passage videos and discussion

  • Womb Oracle Meditation

  • Earth-Womb Attunement Practice with Plant Allies

  • Womb Wellness Tea & Light snacks

  • Swag bag

  • A few handmade womb belts will be available for purchase



All attendees will be gifted 50% off an initial abdominal massage appointment with Nicole for a future date and a 20% off discount extended to one friend or family member. This includes a thorough consultation, hands-on massage, herbal support, self-care guidelines, and an optional herbal yoni/pelvic steam. 


Contact information: or 541-415-6497


To register: venmo $49 to @nstratis, with your email included please. Thank you! 

*location is a private residence and address will be given upon registration

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